Schedule of lectures

Online lectures

Stream "A" (Stomatology.)

Lecturer: Kobeza Pavlo Anatoliyovich

Please connect 15 minutes before the start of the lecture!

Attending online lectures is mandatory.

After connecting to the broadcast, write in the chat your group number (number and letter), surname, first name to confirm your presence. If there is no record in the chat, the student will be considered absent.

Schedule of practical classes

Kobeza Pavlo Anatoliyovich 

Schedule of Practical Classes

Attention students of group 46a!

The class starts at 8:20 a.m. Kyiv time.

Please join the remote conference in advance.

Please keep your microphone and camera turned on during the distance learning session.

The topic of the first practical lesson for students starting the semester from November 11, 2024:

"Introduction to the course of histology, cytology and embryology"


КТП стом практикум_англ.pdf